Piya Plastic Industries Pvt. Ltd :
Piya Plastic Industries Pvt. Ltd is one of the first plastic packaging company established in 1993 in Chitwan, Nepal. We bring more to packaging than just the package. Our integrated packaging solutions help define brand personalities, create unique customer experiences and enhance the quality of your products. Our facilties are equipped with with the capabilties to supply customers with customizable premium class packaging and printing for products such as- FMCG, industrial use, medical use, agricultural and personal hygiene items.
MISSION- To continously provide innovative, high- quality plastic packaging solutions to meet our customers ever changing needs and to exeed users expectations
VISION- To be nationally and internationally renowned plastic packaging solutions specialist through the application of innovative research, development and latest technology.
Established Year : 1993 (AD)
Product Available:
Food Grade Packaging- Frozen, dairy items, wrapper products, animal food products, dry food products, bakery items etc.
Agriculture Packaging- Greenhouse Plastic LD Sheets/ Plastic Rolls for Tunnels, Nursery Planting bags, seeds packaging, manure and fertilizer packets
Industrial Grade- Anti- puncture fluids, red oxide powder, acrylic distemper chemical etc.
Personal Hygiene Products- Tissue paper, Soap and washing powder packaging, sanitary napkins etc.
Medical Grade - Bio Hazard bags for medical waste disposal, X Ray bags, Medical equipment packaging etc.